If you don't know who Rod Argent is, you need to.

Rod Argent has, seemingly quietly, had an incredible career in music.
October 8th, 2018 Well, it's another early morning here at Casa de Scovi but that won't stop me from jumping right into "Live Vinyl Lovefest" ... and a great big ol' cup of coffee! I have a little game that I often play with my vinyl collection. I have my live albums separated out from my studio recordings and the game is to just walk up to either collection and simply "pull one out" without looking or searching for any particular artist. And the rule is that once you pick it, you have to play it, all the way through. So that was this morning's game and I pulled out a DANDY for "LVL". I present to you "Argent Encore". Rod Argent has, seemingly quietly, had an incredible career in music. I recall a very early conversation I had with Petty in the 90s and somehow we got on the topic of The Zombies. His eyes lit up when he spoke of this band. And so, I was set on my path to find out more than I then knew about The Zombies and in particular Rod Argent. Rod is an incredible musician, and one of my favorite nuggets I learned about him is that he played the piano parts on The Who's "Who Are You". Freakin awesome. Not enough for you? Can you recall the B3 solo on the Argent hit song "Hold Your Head Up"? Rick Wakeman cited it as the "the greatest organ solo ever". Yeah, I know right?! I encourage you to do as I did in 1993 and dig in a little on Rod Argent. You're going to find out a lot about a guy who very quietly left an indelible imprint on modern music. This live release will give you a nice taste of his musical prowess. Stand out cuts are "It's Only Money" (fantastic guitar groove by Russ Ballard) and of course an extended "Hold Your Head Up" The double album was recorded live with The Island Mobile at Drury Lane by Phil MacDonald and remixed at Abbey Road by Peter Brown. And since they were kind enough to credit their FOH mixer on the record, so will I "Venue Sound Engineer": Don Broughton See, my respect for them just grew a little more. :-)