One of the Greats of All Time

"When I stumbled on to this record I remember being really excited to have a live performance by the great Jimmy Reed and at Carnegie Hall no less."
October 13th, 2018 Good Saturday morning to you all and welcome to “Live Vinyl Lovefest”. Now, today we have a very interesting pick. When I stumbled on to this record I remember being really excited to have a live performance by the great Jimmy Reed and at Carnegie Hall no less. I bought it while on tour and could not wait to get home to lay it gently on the turn table and be transported to NYC for some great blues in an iconic venue. The first thing I noticed though was the lack of audience on the recording and I immediately thought … um … what the? I was like, wait did he just record this double album set AT Carnegie Hall? Maybe just using it as his own private studio?
Well, upon folding open the double album sleeve, all would be revealed.
“A combination of contractual and technical difficulties unfortunately prevented recording of the actual event, but Jimmy and cohorts ran through a stunningly accurate re-creating of their Carnegie Hall program a few days later, under ideal studio conditions. The results — extremely felicitous, I’m sure you’ll agree — are contained herein. I’m confident they will give yo as many hours of delight as they’ve already given me.” —— Pete Welding
Hmmmm … disappointment. Clearly a manager making “lemonade out of lemons” right here.
But, all that said, there are some really stand out performances on this two album set — including a great take of “Bright Lights Big City” which was a Petty & Heartbreakers favorite warm up song. Unfortunately none of it was recorded at Carnegie Hall and none of it with the energy that comes from performing in front of a live audience. #winsomelosesome