This was my introduction to Leon Russell. Music was never the same for me after.

"If the liner notes are to be believed, and there’s no reason not to really, Cocker was forced to pull a band together very quickly for a U.S. tour because his management had already booked it!"
November 2nd, My friends, it’s Friday. And you know what happens on Friday now? Well, because Friday is the greatest day of the work week we lean on the legends for the greatest live records of all time. I present to you Joe Cocker's "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" on this installment of “Live Vinyl Lovefest” If the liner notes are to be believed, and there’s no reason not to really, Cocker was forced to pull a band together very quickly for a U.S. tour because his management had already booked it! He had about a week to pull the entire ensemble together. And what an ensemble it was. Leon Russell helped him assemble a roster that included many players and singers from the recent Delaney And Bonnie project that he worked on including Rita Coolidge, Carl Radie, Jim Price, Jim Keltner and Jim Gordon. They even enlisted Joe’s producer at the time Denny Cordell on backing vocals! If you know the history of Tom Petty, then you know the name Denny Cordell as well …
All in all this is an epic record under any circumstances. As it is in life, some of the best parties are the ones that are unplanned or assembled quickly. I think that’s the case here as well. Joe's Manager speaking; "And ya know what, while were at it, let’s just go ahead and make a feature film of the shows for release in theaters." Yeah, of course. I mean, why wouldn’t ya?
From what I can gather, the album, and certainly the film, received lukewarm reviews at best. But it has certainly outlasted and out shined all of it’s reviewers and naysayers. And it has to be credited with with bringing Cocker his first true doses of fame.
I’ve been lucky to see Joe Cocker over the years many times. Sometimes as the headliner and many times as the opening act while on tour with Petty. A true gentleman and a true professional and he comes exactly as advertised. You get the entire package, all 100%, every time that guy stepped on stage. He was the absolute real deal. Go ahead, put an unknown and untested Joe Cocker on American Idol or The Voice. Yeah, go ahead. I dare ya. As one famous Gainesville native once stated “Music is NOT a game show”. Especially live music. Amen.