If Rock B3 Organ is your thing, then this record should also be one of your things.

"He was one of the early guys to play organ and have it be the lead instrument in the band. So if a band featuring a B3 and a drummer is your thing, Lee Michaels has to be one of your guys."
October 25th, Good morning people it’s time for the Thursday morning throw down of “Live Vinyl Lovefest”. Ya know during yesterday’s playout of Grand Funk Railroad I was really digging on the organ sounds and the playing of Craig Frost. I was really keying in on the interaction between him and drummer Don Brewer. Stellar stuff. Across a few of LVL posts I’ve seen a few mentions of Lee Michaels so it just seemed like the right time to pull out one of his live releases and give it a spin.
Lee Michaels is a little bit of an enigma for me. He’s always kind of resided in the background on my awareness but he actually had a fair amount of chart success. He was one of the early guys to play organ and have it be the lead instrument in the band. So if a band featuring a B3 and a drummer is your thing, Lee Michaels has to be one of your guys. This release is actually pretty cool. It’s a pretty good sounding record and showcases a young Keith Knudsen of Doobie Brothers fame on drums.
Hey, just a reminder … tomorrow is Friday. Bring it.